MD2SAW > INFO 07.08.22 17:47l 81 Lines 3218 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 9614-MD2BBS
Read: GAST
Subj: CB0SAW !Neue IP/New IP!
Path: FFLB0X<DBO841<DBO595<DBX320<MD2BBS
Sent: 220806/0055Z @:MD2BBS.#SAW.SAA.DEU.EU #:9614 [Salzwedel] $:9614-MD2BBS
a88888b. 888888ba a8888a .d88888b .d888888 dP dP dP
d8' `88 88 `8b d8' ..8b 88. "' d8' 88 88 88 88
88 a88aaaa8P' 88 .P 88 `Y88888b. 88aaaaa88a 88 .8P .8P
88 88 `8b. 88 d' 88 `8b 88 88 88 d8' d8'
Y8. .88 88 .88 Y8'' .8P d8' .8P 88 88 88.d8P8.d8P
Y88888P' 88888888P Y8888P Y88888P 88 88 8888' Y88'
8b 8 888 888b. 8
8Ybm8 .d88b 8 8 .d88b 8 8 .8 8
8 "8 8.dP' 8b d8 8.dP' 8 8wwP' "
8 8 `Y88P `Y8P8 `Y88P 888 8 w
.dPYb. 8888 d88b d8 d8 d88b .dPYb. d88b d8 8888
YbwwdP 8ww. " dP 8 dP8 8Pwww. YbwwdP " dP 8 8ww.
dP""Yb `8 dP 8 dPw8 8b d8 dP""Yb dP 8 `8
`YbdP' Y88P w d888 8 8 w `Y88P' `YbdP' w d888 8 Y88P
8b 8 888 888b. 8
8Ybm8 .d88b Yb db dP 8 8 .8 8
8 "8 8.dP' YbdPYbdP 8 8wwP' "
8 8 `Y88P YP YP 888 8 w
ich musste mein Server Hoster wechseln und habe somit eine neue IP
Adresse erhalten. Die neu IP lautet und der Port die 8093
UDP geblieben.
CB0SAW wird bis ende des Jahres zusätzlich noch unter der alten IP
Adresse erreichbar sein, wird aber mit der neuen IP Adresse antworten.
Das könnte zu Problemen führen, wenn Ihr euren "Rückport" nicht geöffnet
habt wie es meist bei flexnet32 Usern der Fall ist.
Danke euch..
I had to change my server hoster and have get a new IP address. The new
IP is and the port 8093 UDP remained.
CB0SAW will still be reachable under the old IP address until end of the
year, but will answer with the new IP address.
This could cause problems if you have not opened your "backport" as it
is mostly the case with flexnet32 users.
?88' 88bd88b 88bd88b ___ _
88P 88P' ?8b 88P' ?8b /\ \/ | |_)
88b d88 88P d88 88P /--\ /\ _|_ |
`?8b d88' 88bd88' 88b U 8093
___ __ __ __ ___ ___
/\ | | | / \ |__) / \ | | | |__
/~~\ \__/ | \__/ | \ \__/ \__/ | |___
73 Manuel.
8b d8 888b. d88b .d88b. db Yb dP Sysop:Manuel
8YbmdP8 8 8 " dP YPwww. dPYb Yb db dP QTH: Salzwedel - JO52NU
8 " 8 8 8 dP d8 dPwwYb YbdPYbdP BBS: MD2BBS.#SAW.SAA.DEU.EU
8 8 888P' d888 `Y88P' dP Yb YP YP QRV: 27.235 MHz / 27.025 MHz
Web: packetradio-salzwedel.de
E-MAil: cb0saw@e-mail.de
Terminal: MD2SAW via CB0SAW
CB0SAW Teamspeak3-/I-Net-/HF-Gateway/I-Gate AXIP: U 8093
** This message is generated with Thunderbird
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