OpenBCM V1.07b6_bn2 (Linux)

Packet Radio Mailbox



 Login: GAST


; OpenBCM Beispieldatei "convert.bcm"
; The order is important, because the first match is token.
; LT must have 3 digits (no blanks)
; Important! Do not use tabs, use only blanks!
;from    to        LT mode/scan title   ; comment also possible here
BAYBOX   BAYBOX   000 $                 ; do not convert if received via S&F
F        F        000 @THEBOX           ; do not convert if address is THEBOX
*        Z        002 <DL3XYZ           ; each bulletin from DL3XYZ to "Z"
DUTCH    RTTY     014 <PA3ESF           ; board DUTCH from PA3ESF to RTTY
*        Z        002 @CBCALL           ; invalid h-address to Z with LT 2
*        AMSAT    180 @AMSAT            ; all @AMSAT to AMSAT
6M*      SIX      090 $                 ; $ = if received from a box
50*      SIX      090 $                 ; $ = if received from a box
TV*      SATTV    180 %                 ; % = if received from a user
*        H        002 &                 ; & = if from a user without PW
*        H        002 & @WW             ; &    "     and @WW
*        H        002 & @EU             ; &    "     and @EU
; title scan examples:
*        PROBLEM  014 ?                 ; all questions to PROBLEM with LT 14
*        CONTEST  014 ~CONTEST          ; ~ means word match
*        Z        002 ~NO TEXT          ; if word NO and "TEXT" matches
*        SUCHE    000 WANT              ; if "WANT" anywhere in title
*        BILDER   000 JPG               ; if JPG in title
DX*      QSLMGR   000 QSL
; regular expression examples (see also Help REGular_expressions):
*        Z        002 ^R:99             ; title starts with "R:99"
*        SUCHE    000 ^S:               ; title starts with "S:"
; 'and'-combination of blank separatet items:
*        SUCHE    000 ? QSL             ; if "?" and "QSL" in title
*        DIPLOME  360 $ @AMSAT ~AWARD DX ; all items must match
; only LT conversion examples:
KEPLER   *        014 $                 ; if received via S&F
KEPLER   *        014 MIR DAY           ; title depending
; only to-field conversion examples:
; wildcard for multi matching examples:
DX*      DXNEWS                         ; min. 2 chars before *
; following entries are example of invalid lines - do NOT use those:
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
;*        AMSAT    180 @ AMSAT          ; wrong, no blank after @, <, or ~
;KEPLER   *        014                  ; wrong, missing mode/scan
;*        *        014 <DL3XYZ          ; wrong, does not work
; end of example file

 27.10.2024 13:41:45lZurueck Nach oben